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Forex and Binary Options Remain Key Players in Israel Fintech as Industry Evolves.

Israel is well-known for its role in the technology industry, with hardware and software origination from the country found in products and websites of many of the largest companies of the world. Lesser known is Israel’s innovation in financial technology (fintech).

 Kelton: Dollar Strength Will Continue However, this has more to do with examples with Israel’s R&D contributions to giants like Intel, Samsung and Microsoft muting smaller fintech achievements. Among the most notable fintech deals of companies originating from Israel were ICAP’s purchase of Traiana in 2007 for $247 million, which also led to the British firm setting up a large portion of its R&D in Israel, and the IntercontinentalExchange’s $350 million buyout of SuperDerivatives announced earlier this month.

 With fintech deals and venture investing leading the industry to become one of the hottest sectors in tech globally over the past year, interest in Israel is similarly rising. Two specific sectors where Israeli firms are being noted for their leading role in fintech innovation around the world are in the PaymentsPaymentsOne of the bases of mediums of exchange in the modern world, …Read this Term and online forex trading space. In regards to payments, Israel is becoming a leader in bitcoin and other alternative digital payment currencies, having one of the largest communities of bitcoin users in the world, as well as an emerging cryptocurrency related startup scene.

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